Tiếng Việt | English

17/10/2019 - 10:05

Success from planting vegetables in net house

Mr. Tran Tiet Giao (Long Gieng hamlet, Phuoc Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province) has bravely applied advanced science and technology to plant vegetables in net house. This model has brought about high economic efficiency.

Model of planting vegetables in the net house brings high economic efficiency of Mr. Tran Tiet Giao (R)

In the past, raising chickens suffered losses, so he planted vegetables. Growing vegetables in the traditional way was hard but the productivity was low. In addition, traders often squeezed prices, product output was not stable. After learning experience about the effectiveness of the vegetable planting model in net houses in Lam Dong province and Ho Chi Minh City, he decided to build a net house system to replace his traditional vegetable field.

“Because I did not have enough 400 million VND, I had to borrow from my friends to build a net house system with an area of over 4,000 square meters. In the first vegetable crops, I was not familiar with the new method of planting. After that, I continued to learn and be successful in planting vegetables in the net house. The profit increased by 2 times, the price of the product was 1,000 to 2,000 VND higher per kilogram. In addition, I had reduced 70 percent of costs for plant protection drugs and labor "- Mr. Giao said.

According to Mr. Giao, the net house could prevent almost all kinds of harmful insects so plant protection drugs were limited to use. Farmers could increase the number of crops from 10 to 11 per year, while traditional vegetable production was 6 to 7 crops per year. Besides, thanks to the use of an automatic water spraying system, the growing vegetables in the net house also reduced pesticide spraying and plowing after harvest. In addition, vegetables were protected from damage due to bad weather.

Mr. Tran Tiet Giao's vegetable planting model has increasingly affirmed the superiority and contributed to creating a clean, quality and safe product.

With the spirit of daring to think, dare to do and bravely apply advanced science and technology to production, Mr. Giao was one of 184 typical individuals who was awarded a Certificate of merit by the Provincial People's Committee in the movement  "Farmers doing good production and business” in 2018./.

By Phong Nha - Translated by Pham Ngan

Source: http://baolongan.vn/thanh-cong-tu-trong-rau-trong-nha-luoi-a83764.html

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